I wonder what happens when I turn it (turns it)."
Greely jr: "Sorry im late woah belle what are you doing its getting darker on this side is that suppose to happen?"
Belle:" Im not sure but im gonna investigate."
Greely Jr: "Be careful Belle!"
Belle: "Well it looks to me like I should step in (steps in)."
Belle: "Hello there sir, what are the eagles d d doing on the wall!!!!!"
King of darkside: "Welcome Belle to the dark side this is where all bad things happen im surprised you came all by yourself with out your little friend. And btw those eagles got in fight and are being hung on wall..."
Belle: "Oh thats not good and also he didnt wanna come he planned to work with his dad greely today."
KD: "Well its to bad your gonna have to suffer because I got to go and everything in the dark side is bad luck."

Belle: "Don't worry little eagles I will free you from here I just need to unlock these locks... Got it here you go now you guys can fly away!"
Evil villian: "KD im back from that adventure with the phantoms like you told me to do, who's this rhino."

Belle: "Who are you?"
Evil villian: "Oh you don't need to worry about me im just your dark side."
To be continued...